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creative writing | fiction 







In search of celebration, I share some of my fiction here.

Most of my fiction falls under microfiction (100 words or less), flash fiction (1000 words or less) and the occasional short story.


If you'd like to learn more, I've written about my love of these literary forms for a few writing publications:

How Long Should a Short Story Be?

writers edit

Flash Fiction Collections to Dip & Dive Into

aniko press

writerly development / things
Grammar Therapy - 4-week grammar course for fiction with UWA
Write What You Know - 4-week writing course with WritersHQ
Flash Fiction Fan Club 8-week writing course with Centre for Stories
Write Drunk, Edit Sober - Half-day self-editing workshop with Centre for Stories
Writing Place & Setting - Full-day workshop with Robbie Arnott
Show Don't Tell Short Stories - Online course with Writer's Write
Creative Writing: Concept & Craft - Undergraduate Unit, University of Tasmania
Creative Writing: Professional Practice - Undergraduate Unit, University of Tasmania
awards | fellowships
AAWP & Spineless Wonders Novella Prize 2024, Highly Commended
Albury Short Story Award 2024, Shortlisted
Margaret Hazzard Short Story Prize 2024, Shortlisted
Tasmanian Writer's Prize 2024, Finalist
Sydney Hammond Memorial Short Story Competition 2023, Shortlisted
Rachel Funari Prize for Fiction 2022, Shortlisted
Sydney Hammond Memorial Short Story Competition 2021, Longlisted
Katharine Susannah Prichard Fellowship Recipient 2021
Bath Flash Fiction Summer 2020, Longlisted
National Flash Fiction Day Award 2019, Highly Commended
Writers HQ Flash Fiction Prize 2019, Third Place
Mslexia Flash Fiction Competition 2019, Longlisted
Reflex Press Flash Fiction Prize 2017, 2018, 2019, 2021, Longlisted
anthology inclusion
Detours, Hawkeye Books Publishing, Sydney Hammond Short Story Competition Anthology 2023
In Defence of Pseudoscience, Reflex Press Flash Fiction Anthology Vol. Five
JUMP, Hawkeye Books Publishing, Sydney Hammond Short Story Competition Anthology 2021
Branching Out, Brilliant Flash Fiction Anthology 2021
The Best Haiku, Haiku Crush Anthology 2021 
Restore to Factory Settings, Bath Flash Fiction Vol. Five
From the Inside Looking Out, Geelong Writers Annual Anthology 2020
Where Are We Now?, Geelong Writers Annual Anthology 2019
And We Pass Through, National Flash Fiction Day Anthology 2019
A Girl's Guide to Fly Fishing, Reflex Press Flash Fiction Anthology Vol. Three
The Real Jazz Baby, Reflex Press Flash Fiction Anthology Vol. Two
Barely Casting a Shadow, Reflex Press Flash Fiction Anthology Vol. One


twenty twenty four


Unspoken Reunion

Short Story

Longlisted for the Sydney Hammond Memorial Short Story Competition 2024

Emotional Eaters


Highly Commended in the AAWP & Spineless Wonders Novella Prize 2024

Grandard Keeps His Heart in the Shed

Short Story

Shortlisted for the Albury Short Story Award 2024

The Quilt

Flash Fiction

June Flash Fiction Competition Winner

Published: Words of a Feather & Provocative Inklings

Baiting Crabs

Short Story

Shortlisted for the Magaret Hazzard Short Story Competition 2024



Short Story

Finalist for the Tasmanian Writer's Prize 2024

Published: Forthcoming anthology


Short Story

Published: Forthcoming anthology 'Is This Working?' ~ Tiny Owl Press

twenty twenty three

The Last Matchmaker

Short Story

Shortlisted for the Sydney Hammond Memorial Short Story Competition

Published: 'Detours' Anthology


Micro Fiction

Published: Blink Ink Magazine


You Can't See Stars in London

Short Story

Published: Sad Girl Diaries

Entropic Spectacles

Flash Fiction

Published: Hills Hoist Journal

twenty twenty two

The Person I'm Dating Loves to Watch Monster Movies

Short Story

Published: Swim Meet Lit

Grandad Keeps His Heart in the Shed

Short Story

Shortlisted for the Rachel Funari Prize for Fiction 2022

The Day I Think I May Be Crazy is the Day My Reflection Doesn't Blink

Flash Fiction

Published: The Amphibian Literary Journal


twenty twenty-one


Short Story

Longlisted for the Sydney Hammond Memorial Short Story Competition 2021

Published: 'JUMP' Anthology

Three Haiku for E.


Published: Burrow

A Lack of Awareness

Flash Fiction

Published: Brilliant Flash Fiction


Flash Fiction

Published: Every Day Fiction

The Lover Asks Questions They Cannot Answer

Flash Fiction

Longlisted in the Reflex Press Spring Competition

Published: 'In Defence of Pseudoscience' Anthology

Freezing to Death

Flash Fiction

Published: Sad Girls Club

Just a Moth


Published: Haiku Crush

Phantom Limbs

Micro Fiction

Published: Blink Ink

twenty twenty

दया, Daya

Micro Fiction

Published: Blink Ink

Three Haiku For Loss


Published: Blue Bottle Journal

Furusato 故郷

Creative Non-Fiction

Published: Sawtooth ARI

Rust & Bone

Flash Fiction

Published: Human/Kind Journal

The Disconcerting Discovery of Shoes on a Beach

Flash Fiction

Long-listed for the Reflex Press Winter 2019 Competition

Published: 'A Girls' Guide to Fly Fishing' Anthology

twenty nineteen

Love is the Greatest of Dreams, Yet the Worst of Nightmares

Flash Fiction

Published: Geelong Writers Annual Anthology

Today I Dropped a Punnet of Blueberries

Flash Fiction

Published: Every Day Fiction

Rattas, Mammalia

Creative Non-Fiction

Published: The Suburban Review 

Anomic Aphasia

Flash Fiction

Awarded Third Place in the Writers HQ Flash Fiction Prize

Last Night I Saved a Moth from Drowning

Micro Fiction

Highly Commended in the National Flash Fiction Day Prize

Published: 'And We Pass Through' Anthology

Every Second Thursday

Flash Fiction

Long-listed for the Reflex Press Winter 2018 prize

Published: 'The Real Jazz Baby' Anthology

Forget all the rules. Forget about being published. Write for yourself and celebrate writing.

Melinda Haynes

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